Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Planners and Portfolios

(not sure how this originally had a different title)

So this year SW is going to be in grade 8. This means preparing him for highschool (weather that be of the homeschool or public school variety or a bit of both). So that also means prep and learning for me. This year I am going to keep records showing what he (well maybe all of them) had learned. I know he has also been pushing for public highschool. I have been sad about this but I have a secret that may bring him fully on board. Sadly I can not share it yet.

So my next step is style if record keeping. I have looked at my options. But once I got real about who I am, I realized the conventional would never work for mire them a month. So I am going to keep portfolio samples of work them keep a digital record (other then this blog) on my phone (which I can update wherever I am).

Location:Transcripts & Portfolios

Friday, August 19, 2011

Powwow Trail

First my apologies for my lack of summer blogging (again).

So we have been to the Kingston powwow, Scugog powwow, Algonquin Park powwow, Tyendinaga Powwow and are now off to Golden Lake Powwow.
It is just Sunny Not and I as well as some friends. Some from where we live and some from up north meeting us there along with all our usual powwow crowd. I look forward to this powwow each year as it is vacation for me and on of the older kids each year. I even got my nails done up for powwow.

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