Thursday, September 23, 2010


We had a very eclectic day today. We caught up on things not done due to appointments this week, and we covered the remaining subjects through games. we played some professor noggin games (trivia). Camouflage, which is a strategy game. It is only competitive against yourself, we play it as a group. And we played 21 (as in the poker game) It is a refresher for my kids since they can add. I played it with them when they were young, as my Grandma did with me. We also made an Oreo cake. This was to be for the ceremony tonight by Grandma Claus and DH are not feeling well so we had to cancel. I still to tobacco out to give thanks. It was a quiet evening. The Moon she was as beautiful as ever, and I missed the companionship of the Women gathering this month. next month. Everyone will be on their feet.

Ko-Ko had gymnastics tonight. She really is very good at it, an is so happy. She has become very social in the class as well. I ws trying to get her in an earlier class but if she is doing well maybe I shouldn't rock the boat. Her friend "C" from the other side of the park was playing with her today. We are waiting to see of she can come to Ko-Ko's party. She isn't allowed in our house and it drives me nuts. Mostly because I do not know why, but it really makes me feel judges, especially since they are much much wealthier then we are. Maybe itis better not to know.

Tomorrow I think we will do our Canopic jars. We also need to get ready for our final powwow of the year and tomorrow is swimming, after which I have work. It will be a busy next three days.

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