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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Twilight....caught up in books

So I am a pretty voracious reader. I have read most if the books in our house...we probably have at least 1,000. Some I have read several times. On Sunday I walked into Aunty Claus' bedroom for a chat and she was reading Breaking Dawn. So I asked if I could read Twilight. She warned me that she wouldn't be done Breaking Dawn till the end of the week. Sizing up the near 500 page book, and the next two I didn't think it would be a huge problem. She laughed knowing I read near 100 pages an hour. So I started reading. Turned out Monday was a quiet day if watching Runner and Indy play out side so I read some more. I didn't work Sunday night an had a short work night Monday. The point? I finished Eclipse last night before bed. Now I have to wait. This weekend we are at the powwow in Scugog so unless I plan on a killing my eyesight trying to read by lantern I have to wait for Monday.

The series really is much better then the movies. I think the movies really tried to please the readers but I think two of the actors missed the memo. I remember seeing Twilight with SW and Runner (them and Sunny Not are big fans) and finding it almost painful to watch Bella and Edward and their awkwardness. Also the book made me understand their relationship. In the movies I just could not understand why she would choose anyone other then Jacob. I will of course always think an Indian Man is always the best choice, but I understood her choice....up until the end of eclipse. At which point I decided it was the stupidity of youth. Oh well, poor wolf :) So now I anxiously await the end. Hoping I am satisfied with her choice. I guess choosing Jacob would not have made as good a story.

So why am I telling you all this? A confession I guess. I am completely shocked that I am so hooked :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. hahaha no worries, I do believe you're in good company of "Twilight Moms"!!

    I'd begun reading the books to monitor the content for my daughter, but I was quickly HOOKED too :)


  2. Aunty Claus gave me a day to rea breaking dawn. I did and I am happy with the ending. Glad to know I am in good company.
