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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I took pictures of the kids today. Trying to get a good shot of five kids is always a challenge.

Watching the chaos of them pulling themselves together for a picture was so comical
I switched my iPhone from camera to video and recorded it.

We had such a great laugh I posted it to you tube and was going to post it in my blog. As I thought of it I started writing the blog in my head.

And with yesterdays kind comment asking me to consider submitting to the Homeschool Carnival I could just picture what a good read the blog would be.

But before I put pen to paper (I mean thumbs to iPhone) I wanted to watch the video (I had just finished posting to you tube) one more time, for laughs.

That's when my wonderful post evaporated. Runner (currently serving time in his room) was slyly giving us all the finger (one of many lovely things learned in kindergarten, during their ps years).
Ok so yes it still occurs and that is my fault but whatever, on with the blog.

Not exactly family blog friendly. Also not the G rating the Carnival is looking for I'm sure.
Oh well I did get my picture and I am sure I'll write something else to submit, probably for next week.

found another one after posting, now covered by a bell thanks to "picnik"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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