The last few months we had our Full Moon at our d house (thanks to the new tenants). Moving our ceremony to the new house was a big deal. As I mentioned in a previous post we can be fined for having our ceremonies in city limits due to the small sacred fires.
Well after much discussion we decided to have our circle where we first thought would be good (isn't that always the way?) Then I spent a long time planing. As trees bloomed it became obvious that there was some natural cover. The only difficulty being that we couldn't use the eastern door as it is a rocky flower bed. We are using the North-East.

DH finally cut wood for me. So today I got the area ready. I built to lattice trellis'. In a week or two I will buy some climbing roses for them. On the bottom
inside of each trellis lashed some smaller denser ones from the dollar store. When all was done j was thrilled. It looks beautiful, like a room where f the walls as well as the ceiling are built by nature. Between now and next month I will add the roses as well as colored ties for each direction. I may add a 3rd trellis behind the bench my future plans are a higher side table to ace the medicines on. These are often on a blanket on the ground but Grandma Claus needs them where she can reach from her wheelchair. I may also look into a box for the wood (instead of moving it in and out of the garage) and a patio stone walkway to get Grandma Claus more easily to the circle. This will also make it easier for some of the Grandma's who come in their walkers. There are two bushes on the north corners and in the southern corner is a tree that hangs over the area like a roof.
It was a small circle. We have be told it will rIn all month including today. It was a beautiful night. But since we got through our first ceremony in the new place without having the pics called to disturb us , our community will feel more at ease. It has a huge impact as the thought is very distressing for some. My decorations and planned gardening paid off though there is only one spot where flame was (a little) visible. I am excited for next month. It's lime we made this new a place home tonight. Now j am off to sleep. And j get to do it with the smell of an outdoor fire in my hair.
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