Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011


When my kids were little I took them to playgroup. This was not always easy. When I had Sunny Not I was in my early 20's and looked like I was 15. Needless to say the other Moms were not so welcoming. I did however become sympathetic towards teen Moms. After all supper from other Moms is something that is very emotionally helpful as Mom.
Then I discovered the Native centre and started attending their playgroup. The Moms were very welcoming. They ranged in age and I wasn't the only one who looked years younger then I was. I made some great lifelong friends, my kids made lifelong friends. Us moms had more babies together it was a great time in our lives.

Then the kids got older, us Moms got older and our playgroup years were done.

Then I had Indy and started homeschooling. He is 3 and has not been to playgroup. I feel awful about it but I keep not going because it would mean another day out of the house, away from school work. And having taken on 2 committees at the Native Centre cuz of political struggles (typical, there is money to expand and people show up and cause types of course). And now I am looking at meetings once or twice a week.

This has to mean some changes. For one I will need more independent work that kids can take with them, and some they can do while staying at home. If I do playgroup on the same day as healthy living I will bring all the kids with me. And on meeting days we will have to get started earlier... It feels like I keep saying that. Why is it so hard to return to an old schedule of starting our days earlier? This will be the key I need to figure out.

As for today I need to go to work, cutting into my school prep Time as I have a day shift back to back with an on-call night shift. And the non-stop rain means we will be busy.

Enjoy your weekend all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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