Mohawk is My husbands language. Mine is Lakota. However there ate bit a lot I Lakota's out here in Mohawk territory.
The classes we are taking to learn Mohawk teach you to read Mohawk using phonics. I prefer this approach as it allows you to learn more if the language on your own as well as making sure you understand how to pronounce the language.
Here is the alphabet.
A- ah
E -eh
I - ee
O -oh
EN - on(nasal)
ON -oon
H -h
Hi - hee
I -y (so when pared with a it sounds like yah)
K - g
Ki - gee
Kh - k
Khi -kee
S -z
Si - zee
Sh -s
R -r
Ri- ree
N -n
T - d
Ti -dee
Th -t
Thi -tee
W -oo
Wh- f
Kw- goo
Kwh- foo
Ts -j
Tsh- tsz (like a sizzling sound)
Tshi - tszee
Hope I got them all. It was good practice anyway.
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