It was a hectic day. It seems our science days are like that. I scheduled and never wrote in my phone what I had on today, not just one thing, but three things. Plus I had extra chores...not done.
So tomorrow I am wondering how it will all get done. So we will have a make up day. Get done today's chores and school work.
We got about half, of our work done, our science experiment didn't work but I think it is because it was an outside experiment that we moved so that the neighborhood kids wouldn't wreck it, so it didn't happen in an ideal location, although Ko-Ko's shows a little of what would have happened if in the proper location. I think weather played a part to so I may see if I can recreate it inside. But that is the thing about science, there are so many variables. Something we will discuss tomorrow.
Then we went to the Native center to fill out forms...I hate form time of year, especially when I don't get to do all the programs in one I have another day of forms. *sigh* The boys stayed at the center. The children's program co-coordinator had made arrangements for them to stay and be watched by her helpers until the children's drum group started, about 45 min after I'd be done. But I was supposed to be downtown signing papers for Sunny Not to get her eyebrow pierced...15 min before I'd be done. So since one of the helpers is a friend and the coordinator was unable to make it to work today she said we would each take a form, do them together and then her husband would drive me to meet Sunny Not. This worked perfect except she didn't know about drumming, and watching Runner & SW, but was cool with doing so.
So I made it to sign the papers for Sunny Not's piercing . Ko-Ko was thrilled to watch. The boys wanted to do both but instead I sent pics from my phone to SW's. Sunny Not had her sister and a friend in the room with her. I sat in the waiting area with Indy who liked the pics of replicated Egyptian art. I agreed that they were nice and how his siblings were learning it in school to which he replied "In my school too". I quickly agreed and smiled inside and out. Then he wanted to look at the door and saw Sunny Not. He was interested too. His comment to her was "you crazy". The boys loved the picture texts but decided it looked painful and why would she want to do that. After that we headed up to the bus transfer point, went to Loblaws and picked up some precooked supper. Walked home, ate and headed to the highschool for Sunny Not's parent teacher night. Luckily DH got home and Aunty was home, so Indy stayed behind. I got there and looked at the PTA, and thought "ah, NO!". Was astounded by the fact that they had us there with a schedule! that made the event 2 hours. When I was a kid my parents went room to room at their speed. Looked at the class and asked the teacher some questions. We went to the class in a group, the teacher talked, one or to questions were asked before the BELL RANG to move us along. I told her that her Dad could do the next one or I could pull her out...PLEASE! Nope, she doesn't want that. UGH, me and the school system butted heads for way to many years, and my most hated teacher is the head of the phys ed department. SO HERE IS THE SHOCKING PART. They no longer get to take books home from school. We pay for the books, but they stay in the class. How do they study. I wondered this each time, I got to ask it twice. One teacher has everything ready to download from his site. OK, but what about their notes?...he will figure it out. The other guy told me they would study in class. So if you have trouble on one thing, but get the rest, you had better get it in the class review. I thought it was bad enough that schools determine how long it takes you to understand a subject, but now you must study in a pre-set time. I was not the only parent to think this was a stupid idea. Apparently it is because kids don't always bring their books and homework back. One parent pointed out that , sometimes that happened when we were kids, but since kids got punished for it we learned to just bring it back...seriously they really are trying to make a useless generation. Oh how I wish I homeschooled her too. But I can't.
I finally got home a little after 9. Found out it was Men's drum night, listed right on the kids coordinator calendar...2 hours later then the boys drum group. Luckily they were welcomed in.
Now i should go to bed because I have to prepare our dance clothes for our last powwow on Saturday, clean the house and tidy the yard for tomorrows full moon ceremony, which I also need to bake for AND catch up on today's school work. Yep long day tomorrow and I will need to keep on schedule for this one.
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